Serena CUSD #2 ESSER Relief Funds

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States Department of Education has released three grants for which local education agencies (K-12) can apply.  These ESSER grants will provide school districts with emergency relief funds to address the impact COVID-19 has had on elementary and secondary schools.  These grants, known as ESSER I, ESSER II, ESSER III, were authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act); the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA); and the American Rescue Plan (ARP).




Start Date

March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

End Date

September 30, 2022

September 30, 2023

September 30, 2024

District Allocation




District Exhausated

The District has exhausted all funding from ESSER I.

The District has allocated all funding, but not exhausted at this time.

The District has not alloacted or exhausted at this time.

ESSER funds are designated to be used in any or all of designated areas, which include addressing learning loss, providing professional development, improving indoor air quality, providing social and emotional supports, updating and providing technology, and other areas addressing health standards such as: 

  • Universal and correct mask wearing

  • Physical distancing and modifications necessary to achieve the same 

  • Handwashing and respiratory etiquette

  • Facility cleaning and maintenance

  • Contract tracing and isolation/quarantine

  • Diagnostic and screening testing

  • Vaccination efforts

  • Accommodations for students with disabilities

  • Coordination with local health officials

Additional Allowable uses are:

  • Coordinate emergency funding

  • Purchase cleaning supplies

  • Educational technology

  • Mental health supports

  • Supplementary learning

  • Added needs for at risk population

  • Transportation

  • Coordinated services for long term closures

  • Professional development

  • Other grant allowable expenses

  • McKinney Vento Expenses

  • Parent education

  • Learning loss (Required for ESSER III)

  • Improving air quality

  • Improving facilities

  • Implementing public health acts

  • Module classrooms


In March 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was signed into law.  The CARES Act dedicated $13.2 billion for K-12 schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. This grant is known as ESSER I.  The intent and purpose of ESSER I funding is to provide emergency relief funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus.  ESSER I funds can be used to cover expenses incurred March 13, 2020, through September 30, 2022. 

Serena CUSD #2 applied to receive its ESSER I allocation in March 2020.  Serena’s ESSER I allocation of $ 188,048.00 was used for necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), school supplies and classroom materials. The funds from ESSER I were all spent by December 2020.


In December 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) was signed into law. CRRSA dedicated an additional $54.3 billion to the K-12 schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. This grant is known as ESSER II.  ESSER II funds can be used to cover expenses incurred March 13, 2020, through September 30, 2023.

Serena CUSD #2 applied to receive its ESSER II allocation in March 2020.  Serena’s ESSER II allocation of $863, 370.00 was used for summer school 2021 salaries and stipends, digital platform subscriptions, school supplies for students, ROE #35 partnership programs through June 2023, sanitation and personal protective equipment (PPE).  The funds from ESSER II will be spent by May 2021.


In March 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) was signed into law.  ARP dedicated $122 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER) Fund. This grant is known as ESSER III. The intent and purpose of ESSER III is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus on students.

Serena’s ESSER III allocation is $1,938,721.00 and was received in July 2021.  These funds are supplemental to Serena’s budget and will be used to address the impact COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools.  Serena’s plan for ESSER III funds may include SEL support, parent engagement, summer school resources and salaries through 2024, after school enrichment programs, professional development, and flexible seating arrangements for secondary school students.  ESSER III funds will be used to address issues with student social emotional and social engagement with peers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Serena CUSD #2 is required by statute to set aside 20 percent of its total ESSER III allocation to address learning loss.  ESSER III funds can be used to cover expenses incurred March 13, 2020, through September 30, 2024.

Feedback Opportunities for ESSER III

  • Board of Education Meeting Presentation (August 4, 20201)

  • Posting 2021-2022 ESSER Return to Learn Plan on the District Website (August 5, 2021)

  • Stakeholder Survey (August 6-13, 2021)

  • 30 Day Hearing Period to Consider Community Feedback (August 16, 2021 - September 17, 2021)

  • Final Approval at September Board of Education Meeting (September 23, 2021)

Serena CUSD No. 2


Return to In-Person Learning 2021-2022

This document serves as the Serena Community Unit School District # 2 plan for the return to full in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year including the proposed utilization of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding. This plan focuses on four areas to ensure the safety of our students and staff, as well as addresses unfinished learning that may have occurred during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The four areas of focus are Academic and Digital Learning Supports, Social/Emotional Supports for Students and Staff, Health/Safety Resources, and Capital Improvements. 

Academic and Digital Learning Supports: Research is clear, there is no substitute for a high-quality, in-person teaching experience to ensure student academic success. The global pandemic interrupted our instructional model and forced schools to provide instruction in a variety of ways (i.e. remote, hybrid, asynchronous, etc.). As we return to full-time in-person instruction, we will:  

  • Use NWEA MAP assessments to identify learning gaps  

  • Use research-based curricular programs  

  • Redefine the District MTSS resources and intervention structure

  • Implement in-school reading and math intervention groups

  • Implement activities and services related to summer learning  

  • Implement after-school academic support programs  

  • Address the needs of children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English Learners, marginalized groups, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth  

  • Provide family engagement opportunities for assisting parents and families on how they can effectively support students   

  • Provide staff professional development opportunities  

Our plan recognizes that no less than 20% of all ESSER III funds must be used to address unfinished learning. The cost of the interventions listed above comprise more than 20% of the funds granted. 

Social/Emotional Supports for Students and Staff: We recognize that living through a global pandemic has taken an emotional toll on our students and our staff. Schools will play a vital role in helping students process their experiences and deal with any trauma the pandemic may have caused. As we return to full-time in-person instruction, we will:  

  • Implement evidence-based SEL programs (Second Step)

  • Provide social/emotional/behavioral support to students by way of a social worker within each school  

  • Administer social/emotional screening tools to identify which students need support (Review 360 screener)

  • Provide parent learning opportunities about trauma and ways to support students during a pandemic  

  • Provide professional development for teachers in the area of social/emotional learning and trauma 

The District’s plan to address the social/emotional needs of our students will follow a universal design model and be individualized for students with more severe needs within a tier 2 and/or tier 3 setting. The District will utilize a screening process to identify students who have deficiencies in their social/emotional competence. Students who are identified as needing additional support will be provided with opportunities to strengthen those SEL skills in small group and individual settings dependent on needs.

Health and Safety Resources: The health and safety of our students and staff is always our top priority. The COVID-19 global pandemic has taught us important lessons on how to ensure the safety of our students and staff. These include, but are not limited to, cleaning protocols, hand sanitizing, physical distancing, and virus suppression. While the vaccine provides some level of protection, we will continue to require additional safety measures for the 2021-22 school year. As we return to full-time in-person instruction, we will:  

  • Utilize EPA/OSHA approved cleansers for frequently touched surfaces and materials  

  • Ensure mask wearing protocols when required or necessary  

  • Provide training and professional development on cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing and reduction of virus transmission  

  • Continue to utilize equipment to sanitize and clean facilities routinely

  • Plan for long-term closures, including providing meals to eligible students/families 

  • Continue to contact trace in conjunction with the local health department

  • Students/Staff will self certify at home each day prior to reporting to school.

Schools play a major role in keeping communities safe. To that end, we will continue to follow both best practices and science when it comes to the health and safety of our students and staff. Many of the health and safety protocols put in place during the 2020-21 school year will continue into the 2021-22 school year.

Capital Improvements: The ESSER III funds provide districts with the opportunity to address structural issues that may need to be addressed within their schools. These capital improvements may help bridge the digital divide, improve the learning environment, or make schools safer for students and staff. As we return to full-time in-person instruction, we will:  

  • Improve air quality. This will be accomplished by upgrading, installing, and routine maintenance checks of HVAC systems. 

We have learned a great deal from the global pandemic. The focus of our improvements will be on ways we can provide a safer environment by improving the air quality at the High School in order to suppress the spread of COVID as well as additional viruses.